Tuesday, September 23, 2008

24/09/2008 REFLECTION

The final progress of smartboard is almost done at 2 a.m. It gives me an insight about the idea how technology really affect today's learning environment. However, somehow I feel what we learn in teaching trainning centre is becoming traditional method, but still the basic concepts and some thoeries of learning can be applied when it comes to technology as a means to deliver the content of our teasching. For example, humanistic approach can still be sustained through tools and mode to duplicate some element of human touch such as hand writing and voice and video recording.
These elements might seems non-aunthentic but it can creates new era of technology that we all human can even imagine. If you watch the "walle" . it really inspired human to achieve a level of profiency in technology and how technology can pay back to mankind.
That's why we as teacher can be the one who drive the new generation to use the technology for a good and make an effort for the pupils to be comfortable with the technology. This vision is possible if we believe in human evolution which suggests man can adapt with any change and now is the time! Get ready my friend! 

Monday, September 1, 2008


Today’s lesson is about how technology influences the degree of effectiveness in teaching and learning process. As a first step, we have to comprehend ICT, its roles and some relevant applications. I finally realized that ICT has a big impact in enriching teaching and learning experience. For example, through ICT we can produce a lot of interactive teaching aids which communicate to the learners. This dynamic interaction between teacher, students and teaching resources will ensure more effective learning environment. Moreover, in term of assessment, it helps the teacher to see students’ feedback and assess their understanding throughout a lesson.

Despite the excitement of ICT, to promote them in the classroom, we should abide and adhere by the principles and ethics in bringing technology resources to class. For example, teacher should take into consideration about sensitivity, culture and background of the target group. This will ensure that students will not misinterpret the message and at the end the teacher are the one to be blamed.

In the nutshell, we clearly aware about the importance about ICT and its role, but we have still have to abide by ethics as a teacher in order to promote high quality teaching and learning experience.


Today’s lesson is mostly concerning our post-mortem about video producing assignment. This process is guided by our lecturer what we have learned in terms of new skills and knowledge acquired. Moreover, we should be critical in evaluating our strength and weaknesses and what problems we face in making that video.

Obviously, my skills in applications related to video editing are improved such as photo editing, converting to the suitable format, and video editing. Furthermore, in this assignment there some values and soft skills we learned such as our communication skills, teamwork spirit, creative and critical thinking and entrepreneurship. For example, our communication skills not just focus on face to face relationship, but through internet applications such as ‘yahoo messenger’ and forum, they test our skill in using smileys and related icons to express our thought and feeling. Some may cause miscommunication but we always learn from mistake to become a better person.

To sum up, let us admit that this assignment provide us a lot of opportunities to explore what technology can teach us and how we should use it for the benefit and development of human development. Thus, in providing feedback we can improve and resolve anything for the future use.



Today's lesson is about smartboard. Previously, we have attend a course about smartboard at um last year. We always being updated about smartboard by its distributer "Airset". However, today's class reveal a new features that already being upgraded and is more friendly user than ever before. These features being developed constantly and we even can import some features being used in united kingdom, canada and many countries. Thus, the capital to be share is ample to fulfill today's requirement of teaching and learning purposes. Moreover, it can be used for many subjects such as Math in drawing some geometrical shapes.

Along the ways, the distributer will provide and develops many website to enrich and maximise the usage of smartboard. Finally, I agree that this training is essential for us to get an idea and believe that smartboard will be as important as chalk and talk in delivering a lesson. Thus, interactive and dynamic interaction between teacher and student can be achieved through the usage of smartboard.


Today's class explores and exposes some educational website and its importance to the education field particularly the teaching profession. This website promotes the idea of sharing among teachers and for self improvement such as,, There are many websites related to teaching and learning but the problem will arises when the content do not suit our curriculum so for Malaysian teachers we should more focus on our own websites. However, we can exploit ideas from other countries to suit our own context regarding culture and background. For examples,, and many more helps to develop an interactive platforms between teachers to share their ideas.
To sum up, let us admit, todays is a era to use everybody's knowledge for the good of everybody.


Technology in today’s environment are based on the understanding of models and theories. One of them, that we learned today is the theory of "instructional design principles" which play a role as a factor in teaching and learning process in the classroom.

One of the models taught was the ASSURE MODEL which focusing more on the process in the classroom. The model guide us the importance to develop the suitable teaching aids using technology in the classroom.
is more about developmental stages from planning (analyzing) stage to the evaluation stage. It gives clear guide what we should consider in each stage.
To sum up, let us admit that these models being introduce to serve their purpose. So, be creative and critical on how to exploit our knowlegde about these models to the maximum.


I love those tutorials. They help me a lot in doing my video. It;s like video editing for dummies as it provides details and steps by steps instructions which are very helpful for us. However it takes quite some time to understand the tutorial as I am not familiar with the software. I believed to be advanced in technology we have to dare to fail by try and error session. I feel very happy to have this chance to improve myself.


Morning, today's lesson was informative and thank you to my lecturer to give a brief and ample exlpanation regarding the assignment. It's become clear to me with the objectives, strategies on how to manipulate the video produced to become an interactive teaching aids. Besides that, we learn about storyboard. Actually, I never done a storyboard before and it quite confusing. However, life is a challenge and I have to do my own homework to get a clear picture on how to do it. Through the process of video making, I am exposed to a few software and application such as windows movie maker, photoshop and etc. I really amazed with what those application can do, thus give me an idea how this knowlegde is important for me as a teacher in a new era of technology.