Saturday, July 12, 2008


1. how technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning
2. how you as a teacher will be learning.

1. Honestly speaking, I’m still new in so called ICT era. But, to think how my students will be learning using this latest technology, I have no doubt today’s generation are well-updated. Deep in mind, i think technology will be enlightened our students' learning styles. During my time, learning was mostly taking place in classroom setting, but today armed with techno logy, setting for learning can be ignored because students now can access information anytime, anywhere they want. So, it will become more flexible in terms of time, evoke creativity in expressing ideas, and in other way provide freedom to fulfill their curiosity in knowledge culture. However, we as teacher also called second parents to these students should provide proper guidance to educate them the true meaning of learning. With the borderless information and exposure, some misuse may occur. Here, teacher should play a role to keep them in track on how to use technology for good purposes. At last, they will take responsibility on what they want to know, and give it back to society in appropriate manner.

2. How teacher will be learning????? Personally, "teacher" in other words means "teach her/him self". We have to update ourselves in technology as one of the crucial element to this new era where people said, "techno is our food, without techno, we can't live". So, this survivor series really require us to become 'techno teacher'. However, take this as a gift!! Some may claim these as misery but not for me, I think this is an exciting exploration and I can foresee my future as a teacher that able to provide teaching resources in more interactive ways and enrich my lesson with attractive visual aids that I can easily download and exploit them for classroom purposes. So my friends, do you still think these subject is a burden, I suggest have fun and learn to make a maximum use of this technology. Evidently, regardless who you are, whether a teacher or a student, if you are living in this 21st century without having this knowledge, you can called yourself a loser or a caveman, nowadays even a monk know how to use this technology. This evolution is real, so be prepared, it’s not as hard as we think because technology serves its purpose to simplify things. LIVE TECHNO!!!!!!


Maznah said...

Dear Nursejati,

Hmm, I could not agree more with you. Yes teachers need to keep on learning to transform his or herself to meet the need of the future ctizens.. RM

Anonymous said...

nowaday, technology and teaching cannot be separate. do u know y?tech helps teacher a lot in this challenging teaching world..

p/s:don't forget to vote on my survey!! maybe i can have something related to that based on the survey later