Sunday, October 26, 2008

Imagine the future....IMAGINE!!!!!

My future classroom is based on the principle that I will try to foster an environment in which all my students will always feel comfortable, be active participants in learning, and be contributors to everyone else’s learning process. In designing my classroom I have utilized all that I have learned this semester and from my experiences.
My classroom will have five “stations” which will be located in our website that I wish to build for them. These stations will be called “Pens in Motion,” the “Class Library,” “Math Magic,” the “Science Center,” and the “Communication Station."
“Pens in Motion” will be the blogs to write something of their refelection for each class and they can ask whatever they not clear from the teacher. This called pen in motion because they can let all children all over the world to read their writing.
"Class Library” is the most important corner for a teacher to upload his/her teaching resources. This provide oppurtunity for the children to access the information anytime and anywhere. The children also can upload any resources that seems related to the lesson but have to be approve by the teacher first.
“Math Magic" is a corner of mathematical questions and any applets that contain mathematical concept. 
“Science Center”is a corner of any resources related to science and any new explorations made by the scientist all over the world. 
"Communication Station." is the conference room between teacher-students and student-student. This is where they share ideas, discussions even their houses are far apart from each other. 
This may sound simple, but the practicality and user friendly are my criteria that determine my future classroom.